Sprain, Bone Pains, Swelling, Joint Pain, Piles, Sciatica, Swollen Gum, Cronic Haemorrhages & Hypertension
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Strontiana carbonica
Affects the circulation causing congestive feeling of tension. Heart, kidneys, marrow, ankles and right side are also affected. Pains are fleeting, can hardly tell where they are, seemingly felt in marrow of bones; increase and decrease gradually or make the patient faint and sick all over. Burning, gnawing. Violent involuntary starts of the body Immobility; of one side. Sense of paralytic weakness. Emaciation. Prostration or shock, after surgical operation. Numbness. Soreness. Formication, in limbs. Oedema; esp. about the ankles as a concomitant. High blood pressure; arteriosclerosis. Affections of bones esp. of femur. Chronic sequelae of haemorrhages. Rheumatic pains. Chronic sprains. Stenosis of oesophagus. Neuritis, worse cold. Coldness in spots, on calves. Pain and itching alternate.
Angina pectoris. Ankle, sprain of. Anus, burning in. Apoplexy. Bones, diseases of. Cardialgia. Constipation. Cramp. Diarrhoea. Emaciation. Enuresis. Feet, cold. Femur, caries of. Haemorrhoids. Headache; congestive; tensive. Heart, affections of. Hiccough. Hoarseness. Leucorrhoea. Menses, disordered. Phlebitis. Sciatica. Sprain. Sternum, pains in. Sycotic eruptions. Varicosis. Vision, affections of.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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